IQ NRW Teilprojekt: "IQ Anerkennungs- und Qualifizierungsberatung für Geflüchtete in den Integration Points Herford/Minden"




The MOZAIK gGmbH was founded in 2003 in Bielefeld by graduates with an immigration background. MOZAIK gGmbH specializes in the removal of obstacles in connection with, among other things, the further education and labor market integration of people with an immigration background, and has developed innovative solutions and offers that are recognized nationwide.

MOZAIK gGmbH has been active in the field of recognition of foreign professional qualifications since 2012 as part of the IQ funding program. The development of empowerment approaches - especially for people with a history of migration - as well as the intercultural opening of regulating institutions of the labor market as well as of migrant organizations is a special focus in the context of (professional) integration work.

Your Contact Person

MOZAIK gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Bildungs- und Beratungsangebote mbH
Herforder Str. 46
33602 Bielefeld

Tel.: 0521 / 329 709 0
Fax: 0521 / 329 709 19 • info[at]


Subproject Leader:

Cemalettin Özer oezer[at]

Subproject Team:

Makbule Çevik


Kani Karim





Appointments or inquiries: 05221 / 382 857 9

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