IQ NRW Teilprojekt: "IQ Anerkennungs- und Qualifizierungsberatung für Geflüchtete in den Integration Points Herford/Minden"

Statistical overview of the initial consultations conducted

January 2016 to Juni 2018

Statistical overview of IQ Recognition and Qualification Counselling in Herford and Minden-Lübbecke districts

Complete statistical overview of the initial consultations conducted by MOZAIK gGmbH from January 2016 to June 2018 (reporting date: 30/06/2018)

Since the beginning of April 2012, the Vocational Qualifications Act (BQFG) has created new possibilities for determining equivalence (so-called recognition) of foreign vocational qualifications. Since the beginning of 2016, MOZAIK has assisted refugees living in Germany who have acquired vocational qualifications and certificates in their countries of origin and who are urgently needed on the German labour market in the Integration Points of the districts of Herford and Minden-Lübbecke with personal individual consultations, group information events and telephone advice given in 1,246 cases, conducted for 795 persons, on their professional path. With a 0.8 position, sponsored by the IQ program of the BMAS, the multilingual IQ consulting was conducted two days a week in Herford and twice a month in Minden

[To the Statistics (in German)]

January 2016 to December 2017

Review of 2 years of IQ Recognition and Qualification Consulting in the Integration Points Herford and Minden

Complete statistical overview of the initial consultations conducted by MOZAIK gGmbH in the Integration Points Herford/Minden from January 2016 to December 2017 (reporting date: 31/12/2017)

For two years now, the MOZAIK consulting team has been providing multilingual recognition and qualification consulting in the Integration Points Herford and Minden. Two days a week, multilingual consulting takes place at Integration Point Herford and two days a month at Integration Point Minden. All migrants - with and without a refugee background - who have foreign qualifications and/or a foreign degree are advised, regardless of their residence status, under the Vocational Qualifications Assessment Act (BQFG), which has created new possibilities for determining equivalence (so-called recognition) for foreign vocational qualifications since the beginning of April 2012. Since the beginning of 2016, the MOZAIK consulting team has been helping people seeking advice in the integration points of the districts of Herford and Minden-Lübbecke on their professional path through private individual consultations, group information events and telephone consultations in 967 cases from 33 countries.

[To the Statistics (in German)]

January 2016 to June 2017

1.5 years IQ Recognition and Qualification Consulting in the Integration Points Herford and Minden

Statistical overview of the initial consultations conducted by MOZAIK gGmbH in the Integration Points Herford/Minden from January 2016 to June 2017 (reporting date: 30.06.2017)

Since the beginning of April 2012, the Vocational Qualification Assessment Act (BQFG) has created new possibilities for determining the equivalence (so-called recognition) of foreign vocational qualifications. Since the beginning of 2016, MOZAIK has helped refugees living in Germany who have acquired professional qualifications and degrees in their countries of origin and who are urgently needed in the German labor market at the Integration Points of the districts Herford and Minden-Lübbecke with private individual counseling, group information events and telephone counseling in 702 cases on their professional path.

[To the Statistics (in German)]

January 2016 to December 2016

Statistical overview of the initial consultations conducted by MOZAIK gGmbH in the Integration Points Herford/Minden

Since the beginning of April 2012, the Vocational Qualification Assessment Act (BQFG) has created new possibilities for determining the equivalence (so-called recognition) of foreign vocational qualifications. Since the beginning of 2016, MOZAIK has been helping refugees living in Germany who have acquired professional qualifications and certificates in their countries of origin and who are urgently needed on the German labor market by providing advice and information events in the Integration Points of Herford District and Minden-Lübbecke.

The project is funded by the IQ program of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS). The multilingual IQ consultation takes place 2 days a week in Herford and once a month in Minden.

A total of 352 consultations were held for 237 persons. These were divided into recognition and qualification counseling for a) state-recognized qualifications b) without formal (vocational) qualifications c) with school-leaving qualifications and competence assessment. Detailed information on the people who were being advised was collected during the intensive consultations, so that statistically evaluable data is available for 229 people. In the intensive and referral consultations, people between 25 and 40 years (60 percent) and more men (78 percent) than women (22 percent) were advised.

The data from the initial recognition consultation show that the majority of the refugees immigrated to Germany in 2015.


[To the Statistics (in German)]

January 2016 to June 2016

First statistical overview of the initial consultations conducted by MOZAIK gGmbH in the Integration Points Herford/Minden

(Period: January 2016 – June 2016)

Since the beginning of April 2012, the Vocational Qualification Assessment Act (BQFG) has been creating new possibilities for determining the equivalence (the so-called recognition) of foreign vocational qualifications. The target group is refugees living in Germany who have acquired professional qualifications and degrees in their countries of origin and are urgently needed on the German labor market. Since the beginning of 2016, MOZAIK has been assisting in their professional career at the Integration Points of the districts of Herford and Minden-Lübbecke through private individual consultations, group information events and telephone consultations in 193 cases (for 151 persons). With a 0.5 place, sponsored through the IQ funding program of the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), the multilingual IQ consultation is carried out 2 days a week in Herford and once a month in Minden. The statistics show further information such as gender, year of entry, country of origin, professional experience, etc.

The detailed statistics are available here (in German) as PDF.

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